الخميس، 15 مارس 2012


"I had been raised by doting parents in a newark neighborhood neither rich nor poor; I had a younger brother who was said to idolize me; at a good local high school and an excellent college I had performed as generations of my forebears had expected me to; subsequently I had served in the Army, stationed just an hour from home, writing public-information handouts for a Fort Dix major, even while the massacre for which my carcass had been drafted was being bloodily concluded in korea. since my discharge I had been living and writing in a five-flight walk-up off lower Broadway, characterized by my girl friend, when she came to share the place and fix it up a little, as the home of an unchaste monk."

The Ghost Writer
Philip Roth

* عنوان البوست هو اسم رواية أخري لروث و رأيته مناسب.
*or maybe it's just me.                               

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